Sunday, August 9, 2009

Bears {Wesley}

We have a different definition of Bears in San Francisco. They mainly reside in SOMA. But same rules apply. I know this joke will go over most of your heads and thats OK...Its funny to me. Today was our shortest day yet but somehow felt like the longest. Maybe it was the rain but I think its more that we are heading home. We did our last miles in Alaska and Canada today and now just have time to kill before the ferry. Had another close encounter of the Moose kind today in the rain and fog. Not fun trying to stop in time to let a Moose cross when you can barely see and its pouring rain. He made it across the road just fine and I kept riding only to repeat the event with a porcupine. They are wayyyyy bigger than I ever thought and pretty weird looking. Pretty country around here and nice riding despite the head wind and rain. Looking forward to our poor mans cruise. The Alaska Ferry to Bellingham. Sleeping in tents on deck and cooking freeze dried food. The Beef Mac is pretty good though.


  1. These are great Wes. Love reading your and Doug's stuff.

  2. Yay! Hurry home!


  3. Yeah, the bears of SF have similar rules:

    -- Keep your meat locked in a safe bear-proof container.

    -- Don't get too close or you'll be attacked

    -- If you do get attacked, curl up in the fetal position and don't move
