Monday, July 27, 2009

I got no photo to share (Wesley)

Just slugging it out through the heat and traffic today up 5 to Vancouver from Portland. Lots of road work due to the economic stimulus package. Is the economy really this bad that we have to bring back the CCC from the Great Depression? I guess so. So its finally starting to get pretty but now we really have to put on the miles. Tomorrow begins with a chain adjustment. For all you non rider friends of mine..this trip from here on out is like getting up every morning and riding to LA...on a motorcycle...on Hwy 1...with stretches of gravel thrown in and in 90+ degree weather...for 20 days. Somehow Doug and I think this is what vacation is all about.


  1. Riding back to Idaho yesterday, I remembered a good trick for beating the heat on two wheels. During a gas stop, get your shirt totally soaked before you get back on the bike. It will keep you cool for 10-20 miles. I even kept a bottle of water in my tank bag and would douse myself going down the highway. It really helped!
    Had a great time with you guys, it was really hard to pull off on Highway 12 and head back. The KLR really wanted to continue on straight with you.
    Safe travels...


  2. Camel backs work great for keeping you cool too, but you have to put water not booze in there!

  3. Hey Wesley. Are you guys in Whistler yet? I'm sure it will be cooler there. Hope so. Thanks for doing this blog. It's fun to live vicariously. Wish I had a JD Coke! I'll just have to have a glass of scuench instead. We miss you!

  4. Wes, are you guys gonna go to Wasila to see your mom?


  5. How far are you guys going?
